Part II of my conceptual review of "Anomaly - A Scientific Exploration of the UFO Phenomenon" by Daniel Coumbe
Part Two of Anomaly: A Scientific Exploration of the UFO Phenomenon asks three “bigger picture” questions: Where Are All the UFOs ? When Are All the UFOs ? And finally: What Does It All Mean? The main sections of Part II are concerned with ferreting out important correlations, or at least seeing if those that are frequently claimed or discussed in ufology actually pan out. Are UFOs significantly correlated with miliary bases, bodies of water, earthquakes, the time of the year, or the release of UFO- or alien-themed movies? This would give us a sense of the where and the when. What are they and what do they want? This would give us a sense of what it all means. But what’s most valuable in this section, besides the actual analysis itself, is the primer he gives to the reader who mightn’t be familiar with the basics of prob and stat (as we said above). Let us dive in a bit more. There’re all sorts of things we think are associated with one another, and in the UFO community ...